Althea Penn, Educational/Licensing Consultant  

Telephone:   678.557.8684




Client Information and Service Agreement

Name of Owner or Corporation


Mailing address (city/zip/county)


Site Address (city/zip/county)


Daytime telephone                                            Facility telephone


Email address


Legal Contact Person


Facility Landlord’s Name


Facility Landlord’s Mailing Address


Proposed Schedule: (circle)

Months of Operation  J F M A M J J A S O N D       Days of Operation    S  M T W T F S   Hours

Age range of children to be served


Services to be provided

___Infants & Toddlers 0-2                   ___ Transportation                ___ Other, please specify

___Preschoolers (3-4)                         ___ Evening Care

___School Age (5+)                            ___ Mildly Ill Care

___School Age Only                           ___ Night care

Type of entity


___ sole proprietorship     ___ board sponsored     ___ profit     ___ non-profit


___ partnership                ___ corporation            ___ association

Services to be provided by consultant


___ Drafting corporate documents for attorney’s review $500 pre-paid upon invoice (name reservation, articles and bylaws)


___ Drafting 501.c.3 federal tax exemption application $650 pre-paid upon invoice


___ Complete BFS licensing application package Part A (floor & site plan), Operation Plan & Part B   $500

        Retainer of $250, balance of $250 due upon receipt of completed application package


___ Provide contact information and assistance in meeting local and state ordinances regarding fire, zoning, building, and health regulations          $100 (fee must be pre-paid upon invoice)


___ Attend Inspection-Participate in on-site evaluation for compliance with Department rules and regulations.                 $50 (fee must be pre-paid upon invoice) *one week notice necessary to coordinate schedule


___ Perform Mock Inspection of center/school:             

0-50 students, 1-12 employees $200; 50-150 students 13-25 employees $500 (fee must be pre-paid upon invoice


___ Cleaning or classroom setup $18/hour (payment must be submitted within 7 days of receipt of timesheet/invoice)


___ Staff Orientation and/or Training~ *2 days $35/person; 1 week $75/person 5 staff member minimum (registration fees must be paid 14 days in advance)

___ Strategic Planning Quarterly Planning Meeting 4 hours $100 (fee must be pre-paid upon invoice)


___ Grant writing $500 retainer and 2% of funding


___ Kitchen (Assistance with Application for Child and Adult Care Food Program Enrollment) or Playground Safety Issues Inspected and Recommendations $100 per service (fee must be pre-paid upon invoice)


___Complete sales tax exemption application $50 (fee must be paid upon invoice)

Please provide the following:

(within ___ days)

  1. Schedule weekly one hour progress meetings and visit to physical plant.
  2. Register to attend a Licensure Orientation Meeting (LOM) conducted by Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (the “Department”). (Certificate of completion must be submitted with the Part A application.)
  3. Submit records check application materials on the facility director to Criminal Records Unit (visit local police department or Quality Care for Children to get fingerprints completed).
  4. Register to attend the 40-hour director’s training course that has been approved by the Department (certificate of completion must be submitted with the Part B application.)   
  5. Submit copy of articles of incorporation, bylaws and certificate of incorporation


(within ___ days)

  1. Submit floor plan and site plan based on physical plant requirements received in first progress meeting.
  2. Complete vehicle inspection
  3. Obtain letter from zoning stating you are in the right location or zoned for child care learning center
  4. Obtain state fire marshal’s report showing the recommendation for a certificate of occupancy
  5. Obtain building inspector’s report or certificate of occupancy or letter stating you have met building codes for your particular city or county


(within ___ days)

  1. Provide results of criminal records check and training certificates for director
  2. Provide city water and sewer bill copy
  3. Provide copy of caterer’s food permit and current health inspection with graded score




1.      The client agrees to submit requested information in a time sensitive manner. 

2.      The consultant agrees to meet weekly with the client for one hour to monitor the licensing progress and gather necessary information to complete the application packet or review facility setup per agreement.

3.      The client understands that legal counsel; financial accounting, auditing, monitoring, and other evaluation procedures are their responsibility to setup.

4.      The client agrees that the program will strive to meet federal, state and local requirements, and will comply with all applicable laws.

5.      The applicant understands that all fees are due and payable as outlined in the agreement in order to maintain service and prevent legal action.

6.      The client understands and agrees that services may be terminated in writing, at any time if the client fails to provide necessary information to complete tasks or comply with federal, state and local laws or requirements. 

7.      The consultant agrees to refund fees for any service not performed in the event the agreement is terminated by the client, in writing.


_______________________________                                              ________________________________

Center Owner                                                                                     Consultant




Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6


Mailing address:  P. O. Box 49254 Atlanta, GA 30359