
Click this link for The Shepherd's Academy Extracurricular Programs 2020-21
Click this link for The Shepherd's Academy Homeschool Core Classes and Support
Official High School Transcript
Email the following records to shepherds@pennconsulting.org
Receipts for co-op and co-curricula classes and clubs
Table of contents from textbooks used 9th-12th grade
Official High School Transcript (conference)
Contact Dr. Penn @ apenn@pennconsulting.org to schedule one hour conference to review documents and prepare transcript
National Beta Club Invitation and Information 2020-21
You are invited to join The Shepherd’s Christian Home School chapter of the National Beta Club. An invitation to join
Beta Club is an indication of your academic success. Members must have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and be on track to
becoming a college prepared honor graduate (http://www.gadoe.org/External-Affairs-and-Policy/State-Board-of-Education/SBOE%20Rules/160-4-2-.47.pdf).
Being a Beta member, though, is about more than earning good grades. To remain in good standing with Beta Club, academic
achievement, superior character, and servant leadership must all be demonstrated. The Beta Club membership requirements are
as follows.
• Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday afternoon of the month (unless noted otherwise).
We are implementing the following COVID-19 precautions to keep our students safe such as:
Limiting visitors and conducting carpool/curbside check-ins
Temperature screening of all staff,students, and parents
Frequent handwashing
Physical distancing (6 feet when possible)
Wearing face masks
Limiting class sizes to 4-12 students depending upon grade level
Exclusion of persons exhibiting symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, or unexplained rash
Conducting large group meetings online
National Beta Club will meet as follows during the 2020-21 school year:
August 11, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
September 8, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Induction Ceremony virtual or at ARC 4554 Annistown Rd Snellville, GA & Lilburn Alliance Church
Lawrenceville, GA
October 13, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online/officer election
November 10, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
February 9, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
March 9, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
April 13, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Virtual meeting online
May 11, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Award Ceremony at ARC 4554 Annistown Rd Snellville, GA
• We will hold meetings to discuss specific club service projects. If you are interested in remaining in Beta Club,
please attend the meetings and arrive on time.
• Attendance at meetings is mandatory. We anticipate having 4 club meetings each semester, and we expect you to attend
all meetings. You are to check in with your assigned officer when you arrive so you can be marked present. By attending a
meeting and arriving on time, you will earn 30 minutes of service time.
• Meetings will be announced on the through Remind.com – sign up by texting the message @b23ag8 to the number
Service Projects:
• As a demonstration of character and leadership, Beta members are required to participate in service projects (Matthew
5:16). Each student must participate in a minimum of 10 BETA CLUB service hours per semester. Beta Club projects are projects
that our club has agreed to help with and that are announced at our meetings. Tutoring or other club projects, Boy Scouts,
church functions, helping your sport with a fundraiser, etc. will not count as service projects for Beta Club. Only projects
selected and announced at Beta Club meetings count. Hours do not carry over.
• It is YOUR responsibility to maintain your service log (Colossians 3:23). When you participate in a project, bring
your service log and have an officer, Mrs. Penn, or the adult in charge of your individual project sign your form. These
forms are due in December and again in late April/ early May as proof of your service participation this school year.
• Failure to participate in 10 Beta Club service hours per semester and to present appropriate documentation of participation
will result in Beta members being put on probation. Any senior Beta member put on probation in April/ May will not wear the
Beta tassel at graduation.
• Students who were put on probation last year are reminded that they must complete their “make-up” hours
in the fall. Students who have not fulfilled the terms of their probation will be dismissed from the club in January and
will not be eligible to rejoin the club at any time in the future.
• All members are encouraged to participate in as many Beta Club service projects as possible.
Maintaining Grades:
• Academically, members MUST maintain an overall GPA of 3.0. You MUST maintain this GPA in order to be named an Honor
Graduate and wear the Beta tassel at graduation. Grades are checked each fall semester. If your parent does not grade homeschool
assignments, you may complete standardized testing with Mrs. Penn in April ($60 SAT10 & OLSAT if registered before February
28). You must score in the 80th percentile or higher to demonstrate grade level proficiency. (2 Corinthians 8:7)
Discipline/ Character:
• Since superior character is one of the qualities of a Beta member, members are expected to demonstrate Christian character
such as faithfulness, trustworthiness, responsibility, respectfulness, compassion, citizenship, honesty, integrity, etc. (1
Peter 2:17) Students are asked to discipline themselves in accordance to biblical principles because the best form of discipline
is self-discipline under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the goal of all outward discipline is self-discipline within
the framework of positive relationships (Matthew 22:34-40). The Shepherd’s Christian Home School seeks to build godly
character traits in the lives of its students and pursue an active program in doing so, both through instruction and example.
A rebellious spirit or negative attitude, which is unchanged after counsel, can be a poor influence on other students. Continued
deliberate disrespect or disobedience to the sponsor or others will result in the student being dismissed from the club or
being brought before a tribunal consisting of club officers and sponsors. ANY violation of the federal, state or local law
for any reason (except minor traffic violations) may result in immediate dismissal from the club. An appeal concerning dismissal
may be made and will be brought before the tribunal.
Membership Dues:
• All members are required to pay club dues. Dues are $25 and can be turned in at the SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER Meeting.
If you do not turn in your dues at this meeting, you must personally speak with Mrs. Penn. The deadline for paying club
dues is December 31. Dues must be submitted in an envelope with your name, grade, and shirt size, written on front of the
• FYI: $15 of your dues go to the National Beta Club, and $10 are kept locally to help with club expenses.
The non-negotiable stuff: Our goal is to develop servant leaders, enhance our high school transcripts, and primarily, to make
a positive impact upon our global community for Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20). Failure to comply with any of these guidelines
will result in probation. If, after one semester of probation, you fail to fulfill the probation requirements, dismissal
will occur. Membership dues will not be refunded and dismissed members may not rejoin the club at any time in the future.
The officers and I are looking forward to a great year. If you have any questions or project suggestions, please do not hesitate
to talk to one of us!
Dr. Althea Penn, M.Ed.Adm., NAC, PDS, ODP
Educational Consultant
National Beta Club Dues
National Beta Club Membership Dues and T-Shirt
click here to download membership application
click here to download August meeting agenda/minutes
click here to download Information Motto Creed
Forming Christian character as we prepare students for
future works of service...
"For the perfecting of the saints, for work of the ministry,
for the edifying of the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:12
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a Bible-based, Christian
education which excels in teaching the whole child, considering multiple intelligences, the way they learn and support families’
efforts to fulfill Deuteronomy 6:4.
Scroll down for admission materials
You may complete the enrollment form for the homeschool classes. Register
today! Space is limited!!!
Creation Science for 3rd-8th graders
Become an Investigative Scientist Member!
Join us as we investigate God's amazing creation with tools and techniques used by real scientists. Our investigative team
meets on Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Textbook: God's Design for Heaven and Earth: Our Planet Earth<BR>Published by Answers in Genesis $25
Order at www.answersingenesis.org
Meetings are filled with hands-on exploratory activities, exciting demonstrations and science-based laboratory experiences.
Explore the wonders of creation and experience the hand of God in every field of science.
Activities are geared toward children between the ages of 9-12. Space is limited.
God's Design approaches all topics from a biblical worldview, showing how science supports the Genesis account of creation.
Students will learn to think critically and logically examine arguments presented by all sides in the creation/evolution debate.
Students will also have support in preparing science fair projects. Homework assigned weekly.<BR><BR>
Membership: $70 per child. Covers lab materials and classes. No refunds or makeup classes unless canceled by the instructor.
Learn the practical aspects of effective communication. Scripture exhorts believers to "Let your speech always be gracious,
seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." Colossians 4:6
It is important that home school students are able to discuss life issues from a biblical worldview in a manner that glorifies
God. Early exposure to speaking in front of people allows you to overcome your fears and become comfortable speaking to an
audience at a relatively young age. The public speaking class gives every child an opportunity to learn public speaking fundamentals
and practice: improvisation, giving impromptu speeches, presenting persuasive speeches, and receiving constructive evaluation.
Students will:
o Learn about kids in the Bible that defended their faith
o Increase their self-confidence and (written/oral) communication skills
o Identify techniques speakers use to effectively communicate their messages
o Present a book or movie review, newscast, instructional segment, and/or current events report
o Deliver speeches from a list of selected topics
o Develop research and writing skills
3rd-8th grade students will enjoy this fun learning environment as they develop their communication skills.
Homework is assigned weekly.
Textbook: Ambassadors Public Speaking for Christian Students $12.95 Order online at: https://amzn.to/2YiAoC0
Testing and Consultation <br>
SAT/OLSAT April 20-22, 2020 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $60 EB/$80 regular<br>
2330 Scenic Hwy Snellville, GA 30078
Shipping, computerized scoring, 30 minute Testing consultation teleconference appointment and narrative results interpretation
and recommendations included
Biographical sketches:
Speaking and Science will be
taught by Althea Penn. She has over
twenty years of experience in education serving as a teacher, Children’s
Ministry pastor, and principal. She has two Masters degrees in Education
Administration (one in applied science and one in Christian Education
Administration) and is certified as an Early Childhood Educator and school administrator.
She is an author and popular conference
Penn is the former athletic director
of The Shepherd’s Training Academy and
founder of Molding Mighty Men a
Christian discipleship and mentoring program for boys. He has over ten years
of experience coaching little
league and middle school baseball, basketball, and flag football. Coach Mike
is also a certified Family
Development Specialist and provides pre-marital and marriage counseling. They
have homeschooled for 14+ years
(elementary through high school). They
have two daughters that are certified
Kindness to one another is
extremely necessary in the
class (Ephesians 4:32).
Encouraging one another is also important (I
Thessalonians 5:11).
Emphasis is placed on making wise choices (Proverbs





Please request registration forms
at apenn@pennconsulting.org. Philosophy of Education
It is our desire to provide a Christian environment which will afford the opportunity for your child to receive a
Bible based education, from a Christian staff. It is our prayer that this will complement the Christian training you are providing
in your home.
1) Jesus is preeminent in our instruction: We believe the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge and all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ, thus true learning cannot
be achieved apart from Christian education. Proverbs 1:7; Colossians 2:3; Psalm 111:10
2) God has a plan and a purpose for you and your child’s life: We
Believe a Bible based education is necessary to enable the children to reason from the Bible and discern the perfect will
of God. Enabling both parent and child to understand they are created in Christ Jesus to perform works, which were appointed
before the foundation of the world. Proverbs 4:20-22; Acts 17:28; Psalm 78:6,7; Ephesians 2:10
3) We are committed to being led by the Word and Spirit of God: We believe the Holy Spirit is the Teacher and the
Revealer of all knowledge (spiritual and academic) and by His instruction and guidance; we will cultivate and encourage the
development of God given gifts and talents within each child. John 14:26; Romans 12:1-8
4) The great commandment and the great commission are revealed in our instruction:
The love of God is manifested as we teach the whole child (spirit, soul and body) considering their unique learning
styles. We also share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the children in obedience
to the scripture. Matthew 22:37-40; 28:16-20 We believe children should be encouraged
to develop Christ like character qualities. Romans 8:28, 29 See SCH student
The Principle Approach method of education is
the manner of consistent and ordered teaching and learning that produces Christian character and self-government, Christian
scholarship and Biblical reasoning for lifelong learning and discipleship. The notebook method is an essential
component to the Principle Approach that governs the teacher and student in their participation in each subject. It establishes
a consistent tool and standard of Christian scholarship. The learners are producers as they build their own daily record of
a subject, taking ownership of the learning process. The notebook method embraces the four steps of learning: research, reason,
relate and record. It aids in the Biblical purposes of education by "enlightening the understanding, correcting the temper,
and forming the habits of youth that fit him for usefulness in his future station.” (excerpted from the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary definition of education) The notebook method is the product
of the student’s creativity and a permanent record of his productivity. It assists parents and teachers in overseeing
progress and visually demonstrates the character development, diligence, and responsibility of the student.
4-R’ing—in every subject at every grade level, the student is required to actively
participate in his learning by:
- Researching the subject, word, or study
- Reasoning through identifying the leading idea and basic principles
- Relating it to other areas of study and the world around them
- Recording what he has learned in his notebook using his writing
skills and his own ideas, conclusions and creativity. Each child's notebook is a reflection of his unique individuality!
Reasoning from recurring Biblical principles
and leading ideas—every study draws out a leading idea that relates to one or more of the seven basic principles built
on God’s Word.
The Seven Principles Each Principle Builds on the One Before
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17
God's Principle of Individuality
will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14
- Doctrinal
Application: Our God is Himself an Individual who made
us in His image for a providential purpose.
- Personal
Application: My unique individuality has a purposeful
destiny that can only be fulfilled through Christ's redemption.
Principle of Christian Self-Government
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23
- Doctrinal
Application: Knowing God through Christ teaches me to
obey Him and enjoy liberty with law.
- Personal
Application: I am only properly self-governed when governed
by Christ.
The Principle of Christian Character
- Doctrinal
Application: As my character is forged by Christ, I
reach my fullest expression and enjoy harmony with others.
- Personal
Application: My character predicts the success and happiness
of fulfilling my destiny.
Conscience is the Most Sacred Property
- Doctrinal
Application: Righteous law protects life and property;
consent is the title to conscience.
- Personal
Application: My stewardship of property, both internal
and external, has consequences.
The Christian Form of Our Government
- Doctrinal
Application: The form of government proven to best protect
life and property is a Christian constitutional federal republic.
- Personal
Application: As I learn to think governmentally, I can
balance the three powers of government to avert the tyranny of self in my personal conduct.
Planting the Seed of Local Self-Government
- Doctrinal
Application: Education is the cause to effect multi-generational
maintenance of a Christian republic.
- Personal
Application: I continually sow seeds in my thought,
speech and action; consequently I continually reap the results.
American Political Union
- Doctrinal
Application: The internal gives rise to the external.
- Personal Application: Internal unity spawns external union.
learning—the student internalizes principles that shape his thinking and behavior—internal to external. Key
word study—using Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English
Language, students study the meanings of words defined whenever possible from the Bible, their original
root and etymology, and research the meaning of other words found in the definition. Through this study, students truly understand
the word and gain the ability to articulate an idea, acquire mastery of the English language, and learn its application to
history and today.
Fine arts and liberal arts emphasis—building the person from the inside out requires
the teacher to encourage the student’s creativity, talent, gifts and inherent skills—seeking each one’s
unique purpose in Christ. The classroom constitution—instills Christian character and conscience
by empowering the student to take responsibility for his own learning and the learning environment where he contractually
agrees to practice self-government.
Mastery learning—repetition of basic recurring principles at every
grade level, continually applying age-appropriate methods to enable the student to internalize and understand his subject
of study.
Student Outcomes
Our student(s) ….
1. Are well prepared in all academic disciplines,
and are skilled in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking. 2. Are proficient in mathematics and science. 3.
Have a knowledge and understanding of people, events, and movements in history (including church history) and the cultures
of other peoples and places. 4. Appreciate literature and the arts and understand how they express and shape their beliefs
and values. 5. Have a critical appreciation of languages and cultures of other peoples, dispelling prejudice, promoting
interethnic harmony, and encouraging biblical hospitality for the “alien” or “stranger.” 6. Personally
respond to carrying out the Great Commission locally and around the world in a culturally sensitive manner. 7. Know how
to utilize resources including technology to find, analyze, and evaluate information. 8. Are committed to lifelong learning. 9.
Have the skills to question, solve problems, and make wise decisions. 10. Understand the worth of every human being as
created in the image of God. 11. Can articulate and defend their Christian worldview while having a basic understanding
of opposing worldviews. 12. Understand and commit to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 13. Know, understand,
and apply God’s Word in daily life. 14. Possess apologetic skills to defend their faith. 15. Are empowered by
the Holy Spirit and pursue a life of faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness,
and love. 16. Treat their bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. 17. Are actively involved in a church community,
serving God and others. 18. Understand, value, and engage in appropriate social (community) and civic (political) activities. 19.
Embrace and practice justice, mercy, and peacemaking in family and society. 20. Value intellectual inquiry and are engaged
in the marketplace of ideas (open, honest exchange of ideas). 21. Respect and relate appropriately with integrity to the
people with whom they work, play, and live. 22. Have an appreciation for the natural environment and practice responsible
stewardship of God’s creation. 23. Are prepared to practice the principles of healthy, moral family living. 24.
Are good stewards of their finances, time (including discretionary time), and all other resources. 25. Understand that
work has dignity as an expression of the nature of God.
Dress Code Uniforms are optional. Students
(K-5) should wear navy blue or white shirts and khaki or
navy blue pants, shorts or skirts/”skorts”. Shorts
must reach to the extended fingertips. All shirts must be “collared”
(button down, golf-style shirts) and are to be tucked in. Sneakers or
closed-toe shoes are always recommended. Sweaters and sweatshirts may be worn, but must also match the
respective uniform colors and must be solid color. Students will not be
permitted to wear clothing with words, symbols, or pictures that
distract from a Christ centered learning environment. Small brand
identification marks (ie. “Polo Horse” or “Nike Swoosh” are allowable).
Register below for Open House or Orientation (Please note: Registration must be paid before attending orientation)

Employment Opportunities: In order to be considered for a position at The Shepherd's Christian Home School,
the candidate must first complete and return the Employment Application Packet along with the Criminal Records Check
and Pastor/Church Leader Recommendation Form. The candidate may return the packet by mail or email. All instructional
applicants must hold a BA degree or higher from an accredited college and state or ACSI certification. We are currently
hiring certified teachers and an administrative assistant.
click here to download the Employment Form file-submit by email to penntraining@yahoo.com
click here to download the Criminal Record Check file

