Early Childhood Educators’ Perception of Empowering School Cultures:
An Exploratory Case Study
Research Invitation
Study being conducted September 20 - October 20, 2018
Volunteers are needed for research in Empowering School Cultures!
Who: Early childhood teachers who serve children birth through age eight.
What: Take part in a study entitled Early Childhood Educators’ Perception of Empowering School Cultures.
Participants in this research project will examine the early childhood educators’ perception of empowering school cultures
(ESC), particularly your perception of school culture and its influence upon your sense of empowerment. Study volunteers must
be working in an early childhood setting that serves children birth through age eight.
How: You will take part in a short interview, focus group, or complete a questionnaire. The study may take 30-45 minutes.
Your identity as a participant will not be disclosed to anyone other than the researcher and the dissertation committee at
Grand Canyon University. All research materials are maintained in a locked file cabinet. Any reference to your identity that
would compromise your confidentiality will be removed or disguised prior to the typing of the research report. Audio recordings
will be destroyed at the end of the study. Volunteers are given codes (such as P1, P2, or Caller 1, Caller 2, etc.), during
the study and your opinions will be transferred into script with these codes. Your name will not be used in the transcripts
of the recording. All files related to this research shall be destroyed three years after the study is completed.
For more information about this study, or to volunteer for this study, please contact: Althea Penn at (678) 557-8684 or
APenn2@my.gcu.edu. Please indicate your choice: (check one)
___ 1. individual interview via telephone conference,
___ 2. focus group via telephone conference,
___ 3. questionnaire via email https://1drv.ms/w/s!Asv9A7dep61fhvBS6iWis9Mys6TBrg, or
___ 4. no preference.
Please use a personal email address, do not use your work email address or phone number.
The study has been reviewed and approved by the Grand Canyon University Office of Academic Research and Institutional Review
Board (IRB).
Althea Penn - Doctoral Learner at Grand Canyon University
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