
We administer the SAT10/OLSAT8, ITBS/CogAT, and WRAT4. The Stanford 10 Achievement Test®, Iowa Test of Basic Skills®, and
Wide Range Achievement Test® are nationally standardized multiple-choice assessments that enable educators and parents to
assess what students know and are able to do. The testing instruments are reliable tools that provide an objective measurement
of academic achievement and guidance for instruction. The SAT and ITBS/academic achievement tests are also available in combination
with the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test®or the Cognitive Abilities Test ®. The abilities test measures the cognitive abilities
that relate to a student’s ability to learn in school. By assessing a student’s abstract thinking and reasoning
abilities, the results supply educators with information they can use to enhance the insight that traditional achievement
tests provide. Combining the achievement tests and the learning ability test will help you develop reasonable expectations
for your student’s progress, based on his or her abilities. Once you are able to discern whether your student is reaching
his or her academic potential, you can understand how to tailor your teaching to your child’s learning style.
Testing Price
Stanford 10 Achievement Test and OLSAT or Iowa Test of Basic Skills and CogAT combination (Spring)—*$80 per student
(includes testing preview electronic resources, test taking materials, postage,
computerized scoring report, diagnostic consultation)*
The Stanford 10 and ITBS Achievement Tests evaluate:
1. Word study skills
2. Reading skills/comprehension
3. Vocabulary
4. Mathematics
5. Language
6. Spelling
7. Social studies/science
8. Listening
Parents receive confidential results:
1. Nationally norm-referenced scores: scaled, grade equivalent, stanine, and percentile rank
2. Graphed achievement percentiles
3. Content cluster skills evaluations
4. Skills performance ratings
5. Score interpretation brochure
Year Round Standardized Testing
Wide Range Achievement Test (Year round)—$80 per student (includes scoring report, diagnostic consultation)
The widely respected Wide Range Achievement Test® (WRAT) accurately measures the basic
academic skills of word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and math
computation. This quick, simple, psychometrically sound assessment of a
student’s important fundamental academic skills serves as an excellent initial
evaluation, re-evaluation, or progress measure for any student—especially those
referred for learning, behavioral, or vocational difficulties. Assessments can be obtained in as little as 45 minutes for
younger children (K-3rd) and as little as one or two hours
for older students (4-12th grade). The test can be administered individually and scored within 24 hours.
Student Eligibility—Homeschool students—For a student to be defined as “homeschooled,” the majority
of his education must be privately funded and provided at home rather than in a traditional classroom setting. Students whose
education is home-based but provided by a publicly funded school would not be considered “homeschooled” for these
testing purposes.
ADA Accessible—Special accommodations can be made upon request for students requiring a wheel-chair accessible desk
or other special arrangement.
Private Testing Session—Private testing sessions are available upon request, for an additional charge. (This may be
necessary if your child has an IEP and diagnosed learning difficulty that prevents the test from being administered in a group
setting.-additional $15)
Test Results Consultation—Half-hour consultation sessions on score interpretation and curriculum recommendations are
available at no extra charge.
(Scoring SAT10/OLSAT or ITBS//CogAT-10 business days and WRAT-immediately)
Testing Dates
Testing and Consultation
WRAT4 April 15, 9-11 a.m.
CANCELLED ITBS/CogAT April 21-23, 9 am - 12 pm
CANCELLED SAT10/OLSAT April 19-21, 9 am - 12 pm
WRAT3-Year round by appointment June 29-July 31 $80
ITBS or SAT computerized results and diagnostic feedback will be available May 27, 2021.
To sign up, simply register your student(s) below and submit payment at www.paypal.com to penntraining@yahoo.com. Register
early as space is limited. You may also mail or email the registration form to apenn@pennconsulting.org or Penn Consulting
P. O. Box 392006 Snellville, GA 30039.
All test materials are secure and confidential and may not be viewed by anyone other than the student(s) and approved administrator(s)
during testing. The test questions or answers may not be discussed with any parent, student, or other individual before, during,
or after testing.
Test Administrators
Penn Consulting representatives adhere to all guidelines for implementing test security, while ensuring that its highly qualified
staff maintains a thorough knowledge of testing procedures and professional conduct. Dr. Penn, the test administrator and
all proctors meet the qualifications for administering the paper and online assessments. They are credentialed, experienced,
have attended test administration training, and completed assessment college coursework. They understand the concepts of
standardized testing, security importance, and the implications of testing irregularities.
Penn Biographical Sketch
Althea Penn has a passion for children and those who serve them. She has over twenty years of experience in education serving
as a teacher, Children’s Ministry pastor and principal. Althea has earned graduate degrees in Educational Leadership
and Education Administration, certification as an Early Childhood Educator and the National Administrator Credential. This
well-rounded background equips her to share with fellow educators as she regularly conducts high quality early childhood professional
development seminars and leadership workshops throughout the Southeast. Althea is an inspirational communicator and serves
as a conference
speaker for The Georgia Preschool Association, the National Black Child Development Institute, Kid’s Advocacy Coalition,
Quality Care for Children, The Association of Christian Schools
International and other organizations which share her passion for children and her colleagues. She also serves as a Professional
Development Specialist conducting verification visits for teachers seeking credentials. As an educational consultant she
has trained hundreds of Directors of preschools and provided guidance in the accreditation and licensing process. Althea has
homeschooled for 13+ years (elementary through high school). She also provides tutoring and testing services for homeschooling
students in the metropolitan Atlanta area. She is married to her best friend and high school sweetheart. They are the parents
of two beautiful
daughters who have also become certified educators. You can usually find her curled up with a book chosen by her grandson.
Benefits of Standardized Testing
1. It provides students with reliable feedback about their own level of knowledge and skills.
2. It helps students to associate personal effort with rewards and motivates them to work harder.
3. The testing and its feedback identify teaching and learning objectives.
4. It motivates educators to target goals and plan more effectively.
5. It helps educators to identify areas of strength and weakness in their teaching plans and
6. The tests yield quantifiable information (scores, proficiency levels, and so forth).
7. The tests can be used to assess students' progress over time
8. The tests can be used to register your child for TIP - Duke's gifted program or the Davidson Institute.
9. The test can be used to meet the Georgia Department of Education’s assessment requirement (Students should be evaluated
at least every three years beginning at the end of the third grade).
10. They help educators to identify learning styles, unknown talents or abilities
“Test scores do not indicate whether children are learning to think from God’s point of view or whether they enjoy
what they are doing and are starting on the path of lifelong learning. And tests cannot tell the overall story of how a child’s
experience in school is preparing him for
life. Such results—the results that matter most—must be evaluated by parents and teachers along the way, using
a multitude of tools of which a standardized test score is only one.” James Deuink, The Proper Use of Standardized
Please be sure to include the test level you are requesting in addition to the grade level that you prefer the assessment
be scored.
Both the SAT10 (normed 2007) and the ITBS (normed 2005) are normed according to national standards. They are also aligned
with Common Core criterion. The distinctions are as follows:
"The latest version of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills is based on the Common Core Standards...The alignment of standardized
tests with the Common Core may not seem alarming, because homeschool students consistently score much higher on standardized
assessments than public school students. However, as information about the content of newly designed curriculum begins to
surface, it is becoming clear that the Common Core’s focus on informational texts makes it easy to accentuate particular
schools of thought [even in testing].
Students taking the redesigned...ITBS could soon encounter progressive ideologies including social engineering and alternative
lifestyles. The SAT10 has not been changed to reflect the Common Core. Pearson Assessments, the publisher of the SAT10, did
announce that the English language arts assessment was 100% aligned to the Common Core without revision. The mathematics assessment
was 98.5% aligned. But parents wishing to avoid traces of the Common Core in standardized tests should still consider this
examination an excellent option." www.hslda.org
For more test information please visit the sites below:
Purposes and types of tests
Stanford 10 CC Alignment
ITBS CC Alignment
click here to download the registration form

